AdvanConn’s products are meticulously tested in the field to ensure that they exceed American Concrete Institute standards for connecting precast concrete wall panels to foundations and for making connections between panels. Tests are performed using full-size panels in field conditions that are identical to installation environments. All AdvanConn products exceed ACI standards and are proudly manufactured in the USA to meet the most stringent conditions and provide the safest connections – all with no field welding!
PC-10 Testing Highlights
Full-scale testing
Devices subjected to four tests: shear, tension, in-plane, out-of-plane, and combined in-and-out of plane
Each device resisted at least 1.7 times nominal design strength in tension
PA-12 Testing Highlights
Full-scale testing
Devices subjected to four tests: shear, tension, in-plane, out-of-plane, and combined in-and-out of plane
Each device could resist 2.44 times nominal design strength in tension
PA-EX Testing Highlights
Full-scale testing
Devices subjected to four tests: shear, tension, in-plane, out-of-plane, and combined in-and-out of plane
Each device could resist 1.86 times nominal design strength in tension
SC-10 Testing Highlights
Full-scale testing
Both SC-a and SC-b resisted 10 kips
This suggests that the larger bolt gauges in SC-b did not affect the capacity.
The larger connection plates and bolt gauges in SC-b did not impact the capacity.